jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


the creativity is the most interesting thing that each person has, because everybody have different habilities. for me the creativyti is like the way that you can express your feelings. for example some people  write, other paint and other people knows to sing. creativite is like the imagination you have to do the things and is really important becouse that means that we can compare with other people. and the creativity i think depends of thje personality. its hard to describe what is the meaning of creativity because you only feel what it means.
for example some dictioneries have: the crativity is a original though but this  book doesnt tell you how be more creativity.
i hate the people who thinks that stole some idea is be original but the only they do is a lie, the persons born with that.
in this moment i don have ideas for  describe creativity,

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

blackboard dreamed!

this is a product that you can use for learn to save your money.
it is a blackboard an you put an imagen that you want to have and in a small bottle in front of that blackbord put the mone you want to save. for then buy the thing you want. its difficult at the first time but then is easy.
also this product  is not bigger tha other taings and you can put in every place that you want. its ideal,  for kids becouse they are learning about that things. the black board.                                                                         
dont worry if you think that is too expensive, the truth is that it have an accesible price so all the people can have it. save money is the way you can get all that you want when you want. 00the idea to do this thing or product or whatever you want to call it is based in a metafisic theory about if you want you can so this product have a good use for all of us. you should buy it!

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

the most expensive thing I bought!

I normally do not spend much money on what i like, but there was a time that i did not realize and exceed limits buying some shoes, shirts and jeans.We were in a department store in the city of mexico (will not say names) then suddenly excited me with all kinds of clothes and shoes around me and so as to take it off the rack I bought. It was so funny!
At the end of all my parents scolded me but after my parents think they forgot, really do not know if it's true but I'm happy with my clothes and it was this time that spend an extreme amount of money, the good thing was that had saved money, the bad was that I'm none of that money. So now I'm saving a small part of my money to have an adventure like that.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

chava flores!

well, i read that chava flores was a mexican singer and songwriter. He was born in mexico city; i never heard about him but now i know that some songs from him my father song to me as child like "el gato viudo". in his career he participated in some movies like : Mi influyente mujer, La esquina de mi barrio, Rebeldes sin causa, Bajo el cielo de México, El correo del norte, La máscara de la muerte y ¿A Qué Le Tiras Cuando Sueñas Mexicano? also...well some characters like pedro infante song his songs. he was very famous in  latinoamerica and united states so you imagine the fame?? regreattbly he died in 1986 mmm... i remember a thing, he wrote 2 books: relatos de mi vida and motivaciones para la locura. The first one talks about his life and the second one are poems that he wrote when he was depressed because his exwife left him. so that`s all.